High performing teams and meetings

Team meetings are the engine of improvement. Are your team meetings as efficient as they could be?

Tricia and Matt present a number of ways in which teams can make their QI meetings more effective and efficient. This video contains two exercises.

Team exercises

Exercise 1

Having watched the video, have a discussion as a team about your team meetings.

  • What are we trying to achieve?
  • Why does it matter (describe in heartfelt and head felt terms)?
  • When do we hope to achieve this by?
  • How will we meet?
  • How often will we meet?
  • How will we discipline our meetings?
  • What will we do?
  • What data do we need?
  • Who needs to be involved and how do we connect and influence them to work with us?
  • Who will we tell in a position of seniority what we are doing and how we are doing?

Exercise 2

  • Use the team meeting grid (below) and assign roles within your next meeting.
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