Clinic experience
Posters, presentations and videos from teams reflecting on their journey to improve the clinic experience for patients from initial ideas, interventions, challenges, and highlights to outcomes.
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals – Birmingham (Wave 11)
QI projects
Browse through the projects in the drop-down menus below to find guidance and inspiration for your own transition projects:
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals – Birmingham (Wave 11)
Airedale – Sheffield (Wave 10)
The team at Airedale take us through their QI journey, where they have improved clinic experience and the efficiently of collecting annual bloods (contains: clinic experience, process map, patient feedback, IT working group, NPDA).
York Teaching Hospitals – Sheffield (Wave 10)
The team at York talk about how they have improved their engagement with and empowerment of children and young people (contains: improved clinic experience, team working, DigiBete, PREMs, outcome data, logo competition).
Aneurin Bevan – Winchester (Wave 7)
‘Making diabetes ordinary so our children and young people can be extraordinary’. The team at Aneurin Bevan present their QI project during session 4 of the QI Collaborative on improving patient experience. (contains: improving clinic experience, process mapping, adaptation to Covid19, qualitative/quantitative feedback from families and colleagues).
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole – Wave 2
(keywords: improving clinic experience, consistent information, annual reviews, education)
North Tees and Hartlepool – Wave 2
(keywords: improving clinic appointments, clinic experience, PREM data, clinic flow audit)
Gloucester Hospitals – Wave 2
(keywords: improving clinic experience, engagement and attendance, reducing waiting time, patient involvement, diabetes management, Diasend downloading, process mapping, driver diagram)
Airedale – Sheffield (Wave 10)